Supervision & Mentoring
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- Riccardo Bonetto (RUG, 2021-)
- Shaoxuan Cui (RUG, 2022-)
- Henrieke Krijgsheld (RUG, 2024-)
- Floor Schipper (RUG, 2024-)
- Luis Venegas (RUG, 2020-)
Master and Bachelor
I am happy to supervise Bachelor’s and Master’s projects related to the general topic of dynamical systems and their applications. If you are interested in my collection of potential topics, please take a look at my research and contact me if any of it interests you.
Click here to see the brief description of some currently available projects (2022).
- Mathematical model of a Spiking Phase Locked Loop
- A phase-locked loop (PLL) is an input-output system that relates the phase of the output with that of the input in some desired way. There exist several types of PLLs and their applications have been extremely broad. Recently, a new type of PLL has been envisioned: the spiking PLL (sPLL), which plays a fundamental role in the development of innovative Neuromorphic Devices. The aim of the project is to develop a mathematical model, based on ODEs, of an sPLL, which can further be used to aid in the design of neuromorphic devices. This project is in collaboration with the Bio-inspired Circuits and Systems research group.
- Epidemic model for competing viruses
- An important goal of epidemic modeling is to understand the mechanisms that facilitate the spreading of a virus through, say, a human network. Some times, viruses compete between each other for the overall contagion of the disease. The objective is to propose and analyze an epidemic model that captures such competing dynamics, and propose mechanisms to better control the spread of the multiple viruses.
- Interaction of discrete and continuous symmetries in dynamic networks
- Within the framework of complex systems, one often considers interacting subsystems within a network. Finite size networks impose some discrete symmetries, while the interacting agents may posses themselves their own symmetries. The objective is to study a particular networked model where both discrete and continuous symmetries interact and to understand how they do so.
- Complex patters in multi-layer adaptive networks
- When subsystems interact within an evolving network, several unexpected patterns may arise. For networks of phase oscillators, one of such patters are the so-called chimera states. In this project multi-layer networks and to elucidate what are the adaptive mechanisms that give rise to chimeras.
- Interaction of different singularities in slow-fast systems
- Singularities in slow-fast systems give rise to complicated phenomena like relaxation oscillations, canards and mixed-mode oscillations. One of the most common singularities is the so-called fold singularity, which indeed can be related to the aforementioned phenomena. In this project we want to understand how folded singularities, and their nearby dynamics, interact with other singularities.
- Naomi Wijnia
- Ivet Stanislavova
- Milou Aukes, “On bifurcations of coupled pendula”, RUG, 2024.
- Ramsay Duff, “Bifurcations in the two-node and three-node cases of the Nonlocal Hopping Model”, RUG, 2024.
- Naomi Wijnia, “Old Institutions with Old Habits. Research into Teaching University Mathematics, Including Lecture Notes on Holomorphic Differential Equations based on the Findings of 21st Century Researchers on Education”, RUG, 2023.
- Timo Hilverts, “The Kuramoto model on homogeneous ring networks for conformists and contrarians”, RUG, 2022.
- Milou Aukes. “The Kuramoto model on ring networks of homogeneous phase-oscillators”, RUG, 2022
- Kumar Harsha. “Bifurcations on and Symmetrization of Digraphs”, TUM, 2019.
- Tomoyuki van Ouwendorp. “Passivity analysis of a bursting neuron”, RUG, 2016. [link]
- Sharon Verhoeff. “Numerical methods for parametric resonance”, RUG, 2017. [link]
- Casper Stork. “Model and simulation of a cantilever under parametric resonance”, RUG, 2017. [link]
- Jorick Wold. “Finite Element Analysis of a piezoelectric cantilever under parametric resonance”, RUG, 2017. [link]
- Martijn Kamphuis. “A port-Hamiltonian approach to Gas Metal Arc Welding”, RUG, 2017.
- Vincent Samallo. “Camera integration on a robotic system”, RUG, 2016. [link]
- Thomas Wesselink. “Controlling a flexible-joint robot”, RUG, 2016. [link]
- Renate Bijker. “Improvement of a wind farm operation strategy”, RUG, 2016. [link]